OMA DM Alert Types
OMNA maintains a registry of DM Alert Types used by service Enablers derived of OMA Device Management.
The information to be included in a new Alert Type request may be found here.
Alert Type is specified as an element in a Generic Alert, (Alert Code = 1226).
Diagnostic and Monitoring Alert Types [DiagMon]
Alert Root Alert Type Alert Type Description Owner Version Specification Mo Identifier [Optional]
urn:oma:at:diagmon:1.0 OperationComplete Used to claim that the alert message conveys the result of DiagMon operation DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DiagMon-V1_0 urn:oma:mo:oma-diagmon:1.0
urn:oma:at:diagmon:1.0 TrapNotification Used to claim that the alert message conveys the trap notification DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DiagMonTrapMO-V1_0 urn:oma:mo:oma-diagmontrap:1.0
urn:oma:at:diagmon:1.0 OperationComplete Used to claim that the alert message conveys the result of DiagMon functions operation DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DiagMonMOFrame-V1_2 urn:oma:mo:oma-diagmon:1.1
urn:oma:at:diagmon:1.0 CollectedSimpleDataReport Used to claim that the data conveyed are in node value format DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DiagMonMOFrame-V1_2 urn:oma:mo:oma-diagmon:1.1
urn:oma:at:diagmon:1.0 TrapNotification Used to claim that the DiagMon Trap transitions to Active state DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DiagMonTrapMOFrame-V1_2 urn:oma:mo:oma-diagmontrap:1.1
urn:oma:at:diagmon:1.0 TrapInactiveNotification Used to claim that the DiagMon Trap transitions to Inactive state DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DiagMonTrapMOFrame-V1_2 urn:oma:mo:oma-diagmontrap:1.1
urn:oma:at:diagmon:1.0 TrapDeregistered Used to notify the deregistration of an inward trap DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DiagMonTrapMOFrame-V1_2-20120322-D urn:oma:mo:oma-diagmontrap:1.1

Software and Application Control Management Alert Types (SACMO)
Alert Root Alert Type Alert Type Description Owner Version Specification Mo Identifier [Optional]
urn:oma:at:sacmo:1.0 OperationReport The alert message conveys a notification about the outcome of the operation DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-SACMO-V1_0 urn:oma:mo:oma-sacmo:1.0

Management Policy Management Object Alert Types (MgmtPolicyMO)
Alert Root Alert Type Alert Type Description Owner Version Specification Mo Identifier [Optional]
urn:oma:at:oma-mgmtpolicymo:1.0 policyreport The alert message conveys the results of the execution of the policy actions DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-MgmtPolicyMO-V1_0 urn:oma:mo:oma-mgmtpolicymo:1.0

Gateway Management Object Alert Types (GwMO)
Alert Root Alert Type Alert Type Description Owner Version Specification Mo Identifier [Optional]
urn:oma:at:oma-gwmo deviceattached:1.0 The Device Attach Alert is issued by the DM Gateway to the DM Server when the DM Gateway detects a new End Device. DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-GwMO-V1_0
urn:oma:at:oma-gwmo devicedetached:1.0 The Device Detach Alert is issued by the DM Gateway to the DM Server when an existing End Device is detached from the DM Gateway DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-GwMO-V1_1
urn:oma:at:oma-gwmo resultaggregation:1.0 The Fanout Result Aggregation Alert is used by the DM Gateway to include the aggregated response of the fanout command from multiple End Devices DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-GwMO-V1_1
urn:oma:at:oma-gwmo completionstatus:1.0 The Fanout Completion Status Alert is used by the DM Gateway to indicate the completion of the fanout command. DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-GwMO-V1_1
urn:oma:at:oma-gwmo BootstrappedDMSList:1.0 The Bootstrapped DMS List Generic Alert is issued by the End Device to the DM Gateway under the following conditions:
- the End Device is bootstrapped to a new DM server
- the End Device is unbootstrapped from an existing DM Server
DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-GwMO-V1_1
urn:oma:at:oma-gwmo AssociatedGateway:1.0 The Associated Gateway Generic Alert is issued by the End Device to the DM Server. It contains the publicly routable address of the DM Gateway DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-GwMO-V1_1
urn:oma:at:oma-gwmo imageready:1.0 The Image Ready Alert is issued by the DM Gateway to the DM Server upon the successful alternative download or direct delivery via OMA DM DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-GwMO-V1_1
urn:oma:at:oma-gwmo deviceattached:1.1 The Device Attach Alert is issued by the DM Gateway to the DM Server when the DM Gateway detects a new End Device. DM WG 1.1 OMA-TS-GwMO-V1_1

Firmware Update Management Object Alert Types (FUMO)
Alert Root Alert Type Alert Type Description Owner Version Specification Mo Identifier [Optional]
download Used in response to the completion of a Download operation DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DM-FUMO-V1_0_2 urn:oma:mo:oma-fumo:1.0
update Used in response to the completion of an Update operation DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DM-FUMO-V1_0_2 urn:oma:mo:oma-fumo:1.0
downloadandupdate Used in response to the completion of a DownloadAndUpdate operation DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DM-FUMO-V1_0_2 urn:oma:mo:oma-fumo:1.0
devicerequest Used for Device initiated firmware update DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DM-FUMO-V1_0_2 urn:oma:mo:oma-fumo:1.0
userrequest Used for User initiated firmware update. DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DM-FUMO-V1_0_2 urn:oma:mo:oma-fumo:1.0

Software Component Management Object Alert Types (SCOMO)
Alert Root Alert Type Alert Type Description Owner Version Specification Mo Identifier [Optional]
urn:oma:at:scomo:1.0 OperationComplete Used to identify the operation that was performed on the Device DM WG 1.0 OMA-TS-DM-SCOMO-V1_0 uurn:oma:mo:oma-scomo:1.0